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How it all began


Several years ago, a friend's little brother was struggling with psoriasis and all the soaps he used would just dry his skin out and make it worse.  


Being a crafty person and one who loves challenges I started looking into making my own soap at home.  I did lots of research on not only how to make it, but what ingredients would make a bar that would clean the skin without stripping the natural oils and leaving the skin dry.  After coming up with what  I thought would be a great bar of soap I made up a batch and waited.  Thirty days later the soap was ready for it's test run.  I gave him a bar and asked him to let me know how he liked it.  A week later when I was over visiting he came up to me and told me he loved my soap, it didn't dry his skin out like other soaps he's tried, even ones that are supposed to be good for his psoriasis, and his skin wasn't as itchy.  I was thrilled!


Fast forward to 2012


 After seeing my step daughter's hands crack and bleed and become infected from having severe eczema during the winter and nothing helping her with the pain, dryness, and inflammation, I decided it was time to get back into soap making. 


I had moved several times since starting oh so many years ago so I was back to square one.  I got to work making some loaf molds and gathering all the supplies needed to make her some soap.  Just like before I came up with what I thought would be a good bar for her and, decided to make one for me as well.  Once they were ready to use I handed her a bar, I think she was more excited to try it than I was to see how it helped!  She too, loved her bar and how it didn't dry out her skin.


Several friends heard that I knew how to make soap and they wanted to try some too so I handed out a few bars and heard some amazing feedback.  Eventually someone suggested that I sell my soap because of how wonderful they are.


The fall of 2013 I took the plunge and started Bramble N Bumble soaps.  My goal is to provide quality handmade soaps that won't leave your skin dry or your wallet empty.  I also make knit cotton washcloths and wooden soap decks to keep your soap dry and make the bar last longer.  


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